Kraton Yogyakarta
Sultan's Palace is the main object in the city of Yogyakarta. Historicbuildings which are the palace and residence of the Sultan HamengkuBuwana and family is established since 1756. Sultan's Palace with all its customs and culture into the spirit of the life of the people of Yogyakarta. Sultan's Palace is also a major tourist attraction in the city of Yogyakarta, both in terms of heritage buildings and customs thatexist in it. DiKraton Yogyakarta in addition to enjoy the beauty of the past through the architecture of the building, can also enjoy a traditional art that is served every day in Ward Manganti. Currently occupied by afamily Kraton Sultan Hamengku Buwana X who became king at oncegovernor in Yogyakarta..
Sultan Palace began to be established by Sultan Hamengkubuwonofirst few months post Giyanti Agreement in 1755. The location of thispalace is the former a pesanggarahan reputedly named Garjitawati.Guesthouse was used to break the funeral procession of the kings ofMataram (Kartasura and Surakarta) to be buried in Imogiri. Another version mentions the location of the palace is a spring, PacethokanBannerman, who is in the middle Beringan forest. Prior to occupy thePalace of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengkubuwono I stayed atGuesthouse Amber Ketawang which now includes the area of SlemanDistrict Gamping
Physically, the palace of the Sultan of Yogyakarta has seven corecomplex that is Siti Hinggil LER (North Hall), Kamandhungan LER(North Kamandhungan), Sri Manganti, Kedhaton, Kamagangan,Kamandhungan Kidul (South Kamandhungan), and Siti Hinggil Kidul(South Hall). In addition, Sultan Palace has a good range of culturalheritage in the form of the ceremony as well as antiquities and historic.On the other hand, Sultan Palace is also a traditional institutioncomplete with customary holders. Therefore not surprising that the values of philosophy as well as mythology surrounds Yogyakarta Palace.
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