World's oldest palace in Turkey
A World's oldest palace in Turkey, has been opened into a museum.Palace of what became the World's Oldest Castle? A 5,000-year-oldpalace discovered in eastern Turkey. The oldest palace in the world will become an open air museum. Similarly, semi-governmental news agency, Anatolia, report.Istana found underground in Aslantepe Tumulus, an ancient settlement in the village Orduzu, Malatya Province,was built in 3300 BC. According to Marcella Frangipane, a professor of archeology at the University of La Spienza Italy and chairman of the excavation team in Aslantepe, the museum will show how the ancient country in Aslantepe began to be built and how the state system .Ia explained, the excavation team found the ceiling of each room palace with a roof toprotect tersebut.Bekas-old building a temple, a courtroom and hallway sare found inside the palace. While the seals are found in there thatindicates the existence of bureaucracy at itu.Peradaban ended with afire. However, traces of the palace were very important for Turkey's oldest humanity.age Palace has been nearly 5000 knew or 50 centuries ago. With the open and turned into a museum, then the Palace of the oldest in the world we can see.
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