Pull: Pull.
Loss: Kendorin.
Gold Safety: Safety tepasang well.
Stop: Hold.
Artificial climbing: climbing with tools, safety also functions as a tool for adding height.
Free climbing: free climbing, safety does not function except as a safety.
Solo climbing: climbing is done alone without a safety / securitypremises.
Clean Climbing: climbing the safety does not damage the stone (do not use drill and piton).
Seacliff climbing: climbing coastal cliffs.
Loss: Kendorin.
Gold Safety: Safety tepasang well.
Stop: Hold.
Artificial climbing: climbing with tools, safety also functions as a tool for adding height.
Free climbing: free climbing, safety does not function except as a safety.
Solo climbing: climbing is done alone without a safety / securitypremises.
Clean Climbing: climbing the safety does not damage the stone (do not use drill and piton).
Seacliff climbing: climbing coastal cliffs.
Rapeling (abseiling): Down through the ropes.
Prussiking: Take the rope using prusik.
Lowering: Lowering of goods / people from the cliff.
Hoisting: Increase of goods / people from the rope.
Overhang: Path hanging / cliff that juts out at an angle oblique
more than 90 degrees.
Roof: The slope is more than the overhang.
Natural: Natural Security (translucent holes, rock horns, the base of the tree, the stone insert / Chock stone).
Bouldering: The exercises in the short cliff (ngak more than 3 m).and not using a safety.
Prussiking: Take the rope using prusik.
Lowering: Lowering of goods / people from the cliff.
Hoisting: Increase of goods / people from the rope.
Overhang: Path hanging / cliff that juts out at an angle oblique
more than 90 degrees.
Roof: The slope is more than the overhang.
Natural: Natural Security (translucent holes, rock horns, the base of the tree, the stone insert / Chock stone).
Bouldering: The exercises in the short cliff (ngak more than 3 m).and not using a safety.
3 point contact: Movement of balance on the cliff (3 points) 2 holdinghands, 1 foot nginjak, 1 once again to find a foothold and vice versa.
Belay: Nambat.
Belayer: People who make fast, secure leader.
Top rope: climbing with safety rope above.
Fix ropes: Ropes and equipment, which connects from the safety of gold to other gold safety.
Siage / Himalayan tactics: Climbing back in the expedition.
Alpine tactics / singles push: Climb straight in expedition.
Belay: Nambat.
Belayer: People who make fast, secure leader.
Top rope: climbing with safety rope above.
Fix ropes: Ropes and equipment, which connects from the safety of gold to other gold safety.
Siage / Himalayan tactics: Climbing back in the expedition.
Alpine tactics / singles push: Climb straight in expedition.
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