The establishment of the museum, the train is already initiated during the reign of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII. Collection train is in theaverage have tens to hundreds of years old. Some are still used by thepalace, but many also have not been used because of considerationsof age and historical value owned by such trains. The total number oftrain collection in this museum which is 18 trains. Like the stategovernment cars trains have special numbers depending on how the importance of the train users. In addition, each train has a name like human beings such as KyaiRatapralaya, Kyai Jetayu, Kyai Jaladara, Kyai Harsunaba, KyaiMondrojuwolo, etc.. And even among these trains there are also trainsthe most respected high-caste aka the train Nyai amulets.
The forms of the train determines the function and its users. For example trains used by the Sultan for recreation or train to guard the Emperor, a group of dancers Palace and the commanders of thesoldiers until the hearse special palace for the Sultan who had died(died). In it there are also several horse prototypes that match the original size, a horse must also contain elements of history yes. Like the heritage-aheritage like kris any particular date is always held jamasan ritual(bath), then the trains has also been considered heirlooms, so too mustbe done jamasan. What is unique is the washing water from the trainNyai amulets are always contested Jogja citizens who still believe that the water runs trains Nyai amulets brought fertility to the fields, long lifeand good for health. Believe it or not we believe that important detailsare still able to enjoy the beauty of these trains while listening to a storyfrom a local guide who make more exciting.
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